воскресенье, 28 апреля 2013 г.

DAF 95XF Цепь зарядки / запуск двигателя / СТАРТЕР


If contact/starter switch C539 is turned (contact
1 is connected to pin 6), the accessories relay
(G178) will be activated.
Voltage is now applied through fuse E037,
switch C539 and wire 1130 to contact 85 of
relay G178. Because relay G178 is activated, a
connection is made between contacts 30 and 87
and a voltage is applied through fuse E027 and
wire 1106 to pin 1 of the electronic converter 24
V/12V. At the same time a voltage is applied
through fuse E052 and wire 1110 to the
electronic unit of the seat adjustment on
co-driver’s side (B202, pin 2) (if fitted), to the
electronic unit of the seat adjustment on driver’s
side (B197, pin 2) (if fitted), and to pin Pn on the
work light switch (C625).
If the vehicle contact is turned off, no voltage is
applied to connection point 42. As a result, pin
55 of the CTE-2-unit will be connected to the
supply voltage for 3 minutes, causing the engine
stop/engine brake valve (B082) to become
If the vehicle is switched to contact again, the
engine stop/engine brake valve (B082) is
deactivated again.
For more information on activating the engine
brake: see system manual

If contact switch C539 is turned (contact 1 is
connected to contacts 4 and 6), contact relay
G015 is activated through wire 4001. If the
contact switch is turned into the “starting”
position, a connection between points 1 and 2 is
made in this switch. The supply now runs from
the batteries through fuse E037, connection 1-2
of the contact/starter switch and wire 4002 to
connection point 50 of starting motor B010. The
relay coil is located between points 50 and 31
(earth) and will supply the starting motor with
voltage through connection points 30 and 31, as
a result of which the motor will start operating.
Voltage is also applied to pin 45 of the CTE-2
through fuse E037, wire 1100, switch C539
(connections 1 and 2), wire 4002, fuse E073
and wire 4003. Depending on the condition
(engine speed exceeding approx. 400 rpm and
supply voltage (battery voltage) on the CTE unit
exceeding 17 V), glowing is activated during
starting, on the understanding that preglowing
has taken place first.
For more information on glowing: see system
If the contact is activated, voltage is applied to
resistor generator D+ (B036).
The other side of the resistor is connected to
earth through the diode for generator safety
(D+) (D668), wire 1020, D+ connection of the
alternator and the integrated voltage regulator
(A502) in the generator. This will cause a small
current to run, causing a magnetic field in the
After starting, the voltage on clamps B+ and D+
will increase to approx. 28.4 V. This is caused
by the fact that the regulator disconnects the
earth connection in the regulator and connects it
to the battery voltage. This voltage is also
applied to wire 1020, so that the difference of
potential over the resistor becomes 0 V. The
magnetic field now disappears, so that the
generator is not activated for a short time. This
will reduce the voltage on outputs B+ and D+.
The regulator is activated if the voltage drops
below 27.6 V. This way, the generator voltage
supply remains relatively constant. The batteries
are fed by generator output B+.
14 Wire 4009 only applies in the case of a VF

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