вторник, 30 апреля 2013 г.

DAF 95XF Подъемная ось


A voltage is applied to the lifting gear switch
(C739), the electronic unit of the lifting gear
(D503) and the approximation switch for axle
load protection of lifting gear (10 tonnes) (E507)
through fuse E062 and wire 1221.
If the switch is switched into the ‘lifting’ position
(connection between points 3 and 1), valve
B071 (lifting-gear lifting valve) will be activated
through wire 4550. A voltage is also applied
through contacts 30 and 87a of relay G066
(lifting-gear take-over relay). As a result, the
lifting-gear motor relay (G052) will be activated,
thus activating the lifting-gear pump motor
If the pressure has increased to 160 bar, the
control switch for lifting-gear oil-pressure limit
switch (E524) will be activated, thus activating
the lifting-gear take-over relay (G066) as a
result of which the contact of this relay will
switch from connection 30/87a to connection
This will switch off the lifting-gear pump motor
(B073) and the pressure will fall to below
160 bar, so that the control switch for the
lifting-gear oil-pressure limit switch (E524) will
resume its neutral position.
If the switch on the dashboard is released, the
supply is disconnected and everything returns to
the starting position so that no more lifting takes
Manual control:
A voltage is applied to the lifting gear switch
(C739), the electronic unit of the lifting gear
(D503) and the approximation switch for axle
load protection of lifting-gear (10 tonnes) (E507)
through fuse E062 and wire 1221. If the switch
is switched into the ‘lowering’ position
(connection between points 7 and 1), a voltage
will be applied to point S1 of the lifting gear’s
electronic unit (D503). This unit will apply a
voltage to point 87 for 2,5 minutes.
If within this 2,5 minute period the
dashboard switch is engaged again, the
electronic unit will reset and another 2,5
minute period will start.

As a result, the lifting-gear motor relay (G052)
will also be activated, thus activating the
lifting-gear pump motor (B073). The motor is
activated through D623, relay G066 (connection
between points 30 and 87a) to connection point
85 of relay G052. At a pressure of 160 bar, the
oil-pressure limit switch (E524) switches off the
lifting-gear pump motor (B073) through relay
(G066) and relay (G052).
During the 2,5 minute period, the trailing axle
cannot be lifted as the 4/2 valve (B072) remains
activated. This valve should be in the
non-activated position (see hydraulics diagram).
If the axle pressure of the driven axle exceeds
10 tonnes, the trailing axle is lowered
If the driven rear axle is loaded with a weight of
10 tonnes or more, a signal is sent by the
approximation switch for axle load protection
(E507) to input S2 of the “lifting gear electronic
unit”. The signal sent by the approximation
switch for axle load protection (E507) to S2
should last for at least 10 seconds before the
lifting gear electronic unit (D503) will activate the
valve (B072) and the lifting-gear pump motor
(B073), so that the trailing axle is lowered. This
is to prevent the driven axle from exceeding the
legal maximum axle load maximum (10 tonnes).
5 This wire should be connected directly to
the battery.

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