суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.

DAF CF65/75/85 FAG

31 FAG
A distinction can be made between three
different situations:
- rest position (normal position when
- venting steered leading rear axle
(increase pressure on driving axle).
- ventilating steered leading rear axle
(return to rest).
Operation of traction control mode is limited to
a maximum time: 90 seconds.
Traction control mode can only be operated
again after a pause of 50 seconds.
By now adjusting a time relay (G095) to a
delay time of 60 8 seconds, the pause
period is fulfilled.
When the traction control mode switch C882
is operated (connection between contacts 5 -
1), a voltage is applied to connection point 15
of time relay G095 through fuse E062, wire
1221, contacts 5-3 of C883 and wire 4563.
During normal driving, the traction control
mode switch contact (C709) is open. The
switch is spring-loaded.
Pressing and then releasing the traction
control mode switch activates the traction
control mode (vents steered leading rear
The time relay (G095) is now switched on for
a period of 60 seconds. Contacts 30 - 87 are
Voltage is now applied from the VIC to
connection point 1 of BV084. The VIC will only
supply a voltage below the programmed
speed. This energises the solenoid valve
(B084), venting the bellows of the steered
leading rear axle. As a result a greater load is
placed on the driving axle (more traction).
When the 60 8 seconds have elapsed, the
connection 30 - 87 of time relay G095 is
broken. As a result, the voltage on valve B084
is also lost.
There is a safety mechanism to prevent
overload of the axle. The proximity switch
(E542) monitors the axle load.
When the maximum value is reached, the
proximity switch (E542) is activated and a
supply voltage is applied to connection point 1
of relay G427.
Relay G427 is now energised thereby
breaking contacts 3 - 4. The air-vent valve
(B084) is no longer activated, so that it is no
longer vented, but is immediately ventilated.

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