суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.

DAF CF65/75/85 Ветровое стекло / стекло очиститель

Speed I (low speed)
When windscreen wiper switch C832 is set to
position I (connection between contacts 13 -
2), there is a voltage on connection pin 9 of
connector 595 through fuse E035, wire 1211,
contacts 13 - 2 of switch C832 and wire 4501.
The VIC (D900) switches connection pin 50 of
connector 594 to earth. Voltage is now applied
to connection pin 1 of relay G237 through fuse
E025, wire 1205. Because the VIC has
connected wire 4505 to earth through
connection pin 50 (connector 594), relay
G237 is energised.
A voltage is now applied to connection point
53 of B000 through fuse E025, wire 1205 and
contacts 3 - 4 of relay G236 and wire 4507.
Speed II (high speed)
When windscreen wiper switch C832 is set to
position II (connection between contacts 3 -
10), relays G236 and G237 are switched to
earth through fuse E025, wire 1205, relay
G236 and G237, wire 4505, diode D782, wire
4504 and switch C832 (contacts 3 - 10).
Both relays are now energised. A voltage is
now applied to connection point 53b of B000
through fuse E025, wire 1205, contacts 5 - 3
of relay G237, wire 4506, contacts 3 - 5 of
relay G236 and wire 4508.
The VIC is bypassed at speed II (high speed).
Intermittent wipe
When windscreen wiper switch C832 is set to
intermittent wipe (connection between
contacts 13- 1), there is a voltage on
connection pin 37 of connector 595 through
fuse E035, wire 1211, contacts 13 - 1 of
switch C832 and wire 4502. The VIC (D900)
switches connection pin 50 of connector 595
to earth. Voltage is now applied to connection
pin 1 of relay G237 through fuse E025 and
wire 1205. The earth is formed through wire
4505 and connection point 50 of connector
594. As a result, relay G237 is energised. A
voltage is now applied to connection point 53
of B000 through fuse E025, wire 1205,
contacts 5 - 3 of relay G237, wire 4506,
contacts 3 - 5 of relay G236 and wire 4507.
A voltage is applied to connection point 32 of
VIC connector 595 through fuse E025, wire
1205, the cut-off switch in the windscreen
wiper motor (B000) and wire 4509. The earth
of pin 50 (connector 594) is broken and, as a
result, relay G237 is no longer energised.
When the cut-off switch pin 32 (connector
595), is connected to earth again, pin 50
(connector 594) is switched to earth again
after the set interval and relay G237 is
energised again, as a result. This starts the
cycle again.
When a voltage is applied briefly and then is
lost again (windscreen wiper switch C832 no
longer operated) through fuse E035, wire
1211, contacts 4 - 11 of C832, wire 3648,
connection point 33 (connector 595),
connection point 50 (connector 594) is
switched to earth for a specific period of time.
As a result, the relay (G237) is energised and
the windscreen wipers perform 1 wiper stroke.
When a voltage is applied to windscreen
wiper switch C832 through fuse E035, wire
1211, contacts 4 - 11 of C832 and wire 3648
for approximately 2 seconds, a voltage is
applied to connection point 1 of connector
592, as a result of which the windscreen wiper
motor (B001) is activated. After approximately
1 second, C50 is connected to earth for a
specific period of time. As a result, the relay
(G237) is energised and the windscreen wiper
motor is operated.

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