суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.

DAF CF65/75/85 Топливный фильтр / влаго отделитель (внутренний)

When the vehicle contact is switched on,
there is a voltage on both connection point 1
of the electronic unit (D855) and on the fuel
filter/water separator switch (C872) through
wire 1010 and fuse E170. When this switch is
operated, relay G234 will be energised. The
voltage is now applied to connection point 3 of
the fuel filter/water separator heating element
sensor (B241) through wire 1000, fuse E171,
wire 1179, contacts 30 and 87 of relay G234
and wire 5051. The LED “ON” indicator now
comes on.
Wires 5049 and 5050 signal that there is
water in the water separator. The LED
“DRAIN” indicator now comes on.

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