вторник, 30 апреля 2013 г.

DAF 95XF Дополнительный отопитель EBERSPÄCHER


The auxiliary air heating is a separate heating
which functions entirely independent of the
vehicle. The cab temperature is measured by a
temperature sensor which is installed in the
thermostat panel (E566). This sensor sends a
signal to the electronic unit which controls the
As a result, the cab temperature automatically
remains at the preset temperature. In that case,
the blower is in continuous operation.
The auxiliary air heating van be activated using
the button on thermostat E566. It is possible to
use the thermostat in combination with a
programming clock. If this button is switched to
the “interior heating” position, the heating will be
activated. A green lamp will now light up in the
If the heating is activated, the auxiliary heating
unit (D871) activates the fan in the heating unit
At the same time the fuel feed pump for the
auxiliary Eberspächer heating (B122) is
activated, so that the correct amount of fuel is
fed to the ignition chamber.
If the fuel is ignited, a temperature sensor
(installed in the thermostat) will apply a voltage
to the heating unit so that at a certain
temperature, the heating unit (D871) switches
If the sensor measures a lower temperature
than the temperature preset by the driver (using
the temperature control button on the
thermostat), the heating power will be adjusted.
In the case of overheating, the thermal
protection will switch off the fuel pump. This will
switch off the heating.

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