вторник, 30 апреля 2013 г.

DAF 95XF Дворники - омыватель


If the vehicle is switched to contact (G015
activated), a supply voltage will be applied to
connection pin 4/411 of switch C776 through
fuse E025.
The driver now has three choices, i.e. interval,
speed I and speed II.
Speed I:
If switch C776 is set to position I, a voltage is
applied to pin 21 of the CTE-2 unit through fuse
E025 and contacts 1 and 2 of switch C776
(through wire 4500). Using a transistor switch,
the CTE-2 unit then internally connects pin 23 to
earth, activating relay G237. A supply voltage is
now applied to pin 5 of the windscreen-wiper
motor (B000) through relays G236 and G237.
This voltage runs through fuse E025, relay
G237 (contacts 5 and 3), wire 4506, relay 236
(contacts 3 and 4) and wire 4507.
Speed II:
If switch C776 is put into position II, a voltage is
applied to pin 46 of the CTE-2 unit through fuse
E025 and contacts 1 and 3 of switch C776
(through wire 4501). Using its transistor switch,
the CTE-2 unit now not only connects pin 23 but
also pin 52 to earth. Both relays G237 and G236
are now activated. A supply voltage is now
applied to pin 6 of the windscreen-wiper motor
(B000) through relays G236 and G237, causing
the windscreen-wiper motor to operate faster.
If the windscreen wiper is halfway through its
stroke and the windscreen-wiper control switch
is set to position 0, the windscreen wiper
finishes its stroke and then stops. This is
possible because the switch in the
windscreen-wiper motor (B000) reverses when
the motor is at an angle in relation to its neutral
If the windscreen-wiper control switch is set to
position 0, switch B000 provides the required
supply voltage to enable the motor to finish its
stroke. If the stroke is finished, switch B000 will
return to its neutral position.

Interval (i):
If switch C776 is set to position i, a voltage is
applied to pin 49 of the CTE-2 unit through fuse
E025 and contacts 1 and 4 of switch C776
(through wire 4502). Using a transistor switch,
the CTE-2 unit then connects pin 23 to earth (for
1 second), activating relay G237 for a short
time. A voltage is now applied to pin 5 through
relay G237 (pins 3 and 5) and relay 236 (pins 3
and 4). The windscreen-wiper motor starts
operating and the “switch” in the
windscreen-wiper motor (B000) is reversed. A
voltage is now applied to wire 4507 through fuse
E025, contacts 3 and 2 in the windscreen-wiper
motor through wire 4509, and contacts 4 and 3
of relays G237 and G236. A voltage is also
applied to pin 40 of the CTE-2 unit, enabling this
unit to measure whether or not the stroke has
been finished. The motor will now stop for some
seconds; after this period the motor will start
again for as long as a voltage is applied to pin
If the spring-back part of switch C776 is used,
connection between 1 and 5, a voltage is
applied to pin 20 of the CTE-2 unit through fuse
E025 and contacts 1 and 5 of switch C776
(through wire 4503). A voltage is applied directly
to the windscreen-wiper pump motor (B001)
through wire 4503.
After a brief period of spraying, pin 23 of the
CTE-2 unit is connected to earth using a
transistor switch. As a result, relay G237 is
A supply voltage is now applied to pin 5 of the
windscreen-wiper motor (B000) through relays
G236 and G237. The windscreen-wiper motor
B000 will now start operating. The CTE-2 unit
will have the motor make 3 revolutions and will
then disconnect pin 23 from earth, causing the
windscreen-wiper motor (B000) to stop.
Cut-off switch:
If the windscreen-wiper motor (B000) does not
operate, pin 40 of the CTE-2 unit “detects” an
earth connection over the windscreen-wiper
motor “switch”, wire 4509.
If switch C776 is engaged so that the
windscreen-wiper motor should operate (voltage
to pins 21, 46 or 49), the earth to pin 40 should
be changed into +24V through the “switch” in
the motor. If the voltage is not changed (the
motor is not operating), the CTE-2 unit will
disconnect the earth from pins 23 and/or 52,
preventing the motor from burning, for example
as a result of frozen windscreen-wiper blades.
The CTE-2 unit is “reset” by switching C776 into
the “off” position.

Headlight cleaner
If lighting switch C622 is activated (position I or
II), a voltage is applied to the rear-light/side-light
relay (G000).
If this relay is activated, a connection is made
between contacts 30 and 87. The voltage will
now activate relay G238 (headlight cleaner)
through fuse E117, wire 2630 and print track. A
connection is made with contacts 3 and 5, so
that the voltage is applied to B002 through fuse
E025, relay G238 and wire 4511. If a voltage is
applied to connection pin 20 for at least 1
second (engaging the windscreen-wiper pump
B001), relay G238 is connected to earth for
approx. 1 second, causing the headlight-cleaner
pump motor (B002) to be activated for approx. 1

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