суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.

DAF CF65/75/85 Стоп-сигналы / наклон кабины

When the brake pedal is pressed, the stop
light control switch E511 is activated
(connection between contacts 2 - 1) and the
relay (G036) will be energised. There is also a
voltage on F628. Through fuse E013, wire
1209, contacts 30 and 87 of relay G036 and
wire 4601 a voltage is now applied to the right
stop light (C021) and the left stop light (C020),
so that they go on. The lights that are
connected via the trailer plug socket A000 will
also go on.
When relay G036 is energised, the connection
30 - 78a is broken. The voltage on D814
(UPEC electronic unit) or D903 (ECS-DC3
electronic unit) is lost.
There is a voltage on sensor F676 (cab
locking sensor) and on sensor F616 (cab
tilting cylinder sensor) through fuse E018 and
wire 1114. There is also a voltage on
connection point 2 of sensor F676 through
connection points 1 - 2 of relay G351 (cab tilt
protection microrelay) and wire 4723. When
this sensor is activated, the voltage is
transmitted to connection point 16 of D900
(VIC) and to connection point 2 of sensor
F616. The VIC now sends a message to the
DIP that then activates the “cab tilted” warning
light. When sensor F616 is activated, relay
G351 is energised and, as a result, a voltage
is applied to B251 through contacts 3 and 5
and wire 4722 (neutral position buzzer, tilting
cab). If the contacts in switch E569 (neutral
position switch) are closed (connection
between pins 4 - 2), the horn will go off.
9 Depends on whether the vehicle has
a UPEC or ECS-DC3 engine.
12, 15 Connector 642 if FA type vehicle.
21 Depends on whether the vehicle has
a 7-pin or 15-pin socket. See
sub-diagram 47.

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