суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.

DAF CF65/75/85 Освещение

Engine running, switch C622 has NOT
been operated
If the engine is running and switch C622 has
NOT been operated, relay G301 is activated
by a voltage from connection point 42 and
connector 594 of D900 (VIC). A voltage is
then applied through fuse E084, wire 1101,
contacts 5 - 3 of relay G301, wire 2100,
contacts 3 - 4 of relay G302 and wire 2110 to
connection point 85 of relay G001 (dipped
beam relay). The same voltage is also applied
to connection point 85 of relay G000 (tail
light/side-light relay) through diode D609.
Both relays are energised.
When relay G000 is energised (connection
between contacts 30 - 87), a voltage is
applied to the left and right side-lights in the
headlights through contacts 30 - 87 of relay
G000, PCB track 2102, fuses E000 and E001
and wire 2102.
When relay G001 is energised (connection
between contacts 30 - 87), a voltage is
applied through contacts 30 - 87 of relay
G001, PCB track 2112, fuse E004 and fuse
E005. The voltage through wire 2114 is
applied to connection point 1 of C000 (left
dipped beam) through fuse E004. The voltage
through wire 2113 is applied to connection
point 1 of C001 (right dipped beam) through
fuse E005.
A voltage is also sent to the VIC via wire 2114
and pin C5. VIC controls the DIP and ensures
that the “dipped beam” warning indicator
illuminates on the instrument panel.
Engine running, switch C622 in marker
lights position (position 1)
When the engine is running and switch C622
is in the ’marker lights’ position (connection
between 2 - 1), the following occurs:
Relay G301 is energised and, as a result, a
connection is made between contacts 5 - 3.
The voltage is then applied to wire 2100 and
to connection point 85 of relay G000 through
fuse E084, wire 1101 and contacts 5 - 3 of
relay G301. When relay G000 is energised a
voltage is applied through relay contacts 30 -
87 of relay G000, wire 2101, fuses E000 and
E001 and wire 2102 and wire 2103
respectively. The corner marker lights, marker
lights and tail lights (on both the driver’s and
co-driver’s side) now go on.
There is also a voltage on connection point 1
of relay G302 through fuse E084, wire 1101,
contacts 2 - 1 of relay C622 and wire 2105.
Relay G302 is energised thereby breaking
contacts 3 - 4.
There is no longer a voltage on wire 2110
and, as a result, relay G001 is no longer
energised. Contacts 30 - 87 are broken and,
as a result, the driver’s and co-driver’s side
headlights go out.
Engine running, switch C622 in dipped
beam position (position 2)
When the engine is running and switch C622
is in the ’dipped beam’ position (position 2)
(connection between 2 - 4), the following
Relay G301 is energised and, as a result, a
connection is made between contacts 5 - 3.
The voltage is then applied to wire 2100 and
to connection point 85 of relay G000 through
fuse E084, wire 1101 and contacts 5 - 3 of
relay G301. When relay G000 is energised a
voltage is applied through relay contacts 30 -
87 of relay G000, wire 2101, fuses E000 and
E001 and wire 2102 and wire 2103
respectively. The corner marker lights, marker
lights and tail lights (on both the driver’s and
co-driver’s side) now go on. Because there is
a voltage on connection point 85 of relay
G001 through contacts 2 - 4 of switch C622
and wire 2110, this relay is energised. When
relay G001 is energised a voltage is applied to
both the left and right dipped beam through
contacts 30 - 87, wire 2112, fuses E004 and
E005 and wire 2113 and wire 2114
respectively. A voltage is also sent to the VIC
via wire 2114 and pin C5. VIC controls the
DIP and ensures that the “dipped beam”
warning indicator illuminates on the
instrument panel.

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