суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.

DAF CF65/75/85 Выключатель света / противотуманные фары/ ближний - дальний свет и главный выключатель света, FA / FT

Position 1 (“town lights”)
A voltage is applied to connection point 2 of
light switch C622 through fuse E084 and wire
1101. If this switch is in the “town lights ”
position (connection between contacts 2 - 1),
the voltage is transmitted to connection point
85 of relay G000 (tail light/side-light relay) via
wire 2100. This is energised and contacts 30 -
87 will close. Through contacts 30 - 87 of
relay G000 and wire 2101, a voltage is now
applied to corner marker lights, marker lights
and tail lights through fuses E000 and E001
and wires 2102 and 2103 respectively.
Position 2 (“dipped beam”)
If switch C622 is in the 2nd position
(connection between contacts 2 - 4), the
following takes place:
A voltage is applied to connection point 2 of
light switch C622 through fuse E084 and wire
1101. Through contacts 2 - 4 of C622 the
voltage is applied to connection point 85 of
G000 through wire 2110 and diode D609. The
voltage is also applied to connection point 5 of
C773 through wire 2100.
The voltage is also applied to connection point
85 of G001 through wire 2110. This is
energised. Through contacts 30 - 87 of relay
G001 and wire 2112, a voltage is now applied
to the left and right dipped beam through
fuses E004 and E005 and wires 2114 and
2113 respectively. They will now switch on.
Signalling light
The voltage on connection point 85 of relay
G001, is also on connection point 14 of
steering column switch C832 through diode
D610, through wire 2154. If this
(spring-loaded) part of the switch is operated
(connection between points 14 and 9), relay
G002 is energised through wire 2120. A
connection is now made between contacts 30
- 87 and this applies a voltage to lights C002
and C003 through contacts 30 - 87, wire 2121
and fuses E006 and E007 and wires 2122 and
2123 respectively. The lights remain on as
long as there is a connection between
contacts 14 and 9 of steering column switch
Main beam
A voltage is applied to connection point 8 of
steering column switch C832 through fuse
084 and wire 1101. If this part of the switch is
operated (’fixed’ connection between points 8
and 9), relay G002 is energised through wire
A connection is now made between contacts
30 - 87 and this applies a voltage to lights
C002 and C003 through contacts 30 - 87, wire
2121 and fuses E006 and E007 and wires
2122 and 2123 respectively. The lights remain
on as long as there is a ’fixed’ connection
between contacts 8 and 9.
The dipped beam does NOT go out while the
signalling light or main beam is in use.
REAR FOG LIGHTS (standard model)
To activate the rear fog lights, light switch
C622 must be in the “dipped beam” position
(connection between contacts 2 - 4). The
voltage is then applied to D609 through fuse
E084, wire 1101, contacts 2 - 4 of switch
C622 and wire 2110. The voltage is split after
this diode. The voltage is applied to
connection point 85 of G000 through a PCB
track. This switches on the corner marker
lights, marker lights and tail lights. The same
voltage is also applied to connection point 5 of
C773 through wire 2100. The VIC receives a
voltage signal at pin D35 when the fog light
switch (C773) is operated (connection
between 5 - 1).
The VIC then activates the rear fog light relay
(G005) via pin C40 of the VIC, so that the rear
fog lights come on. The VIC activates the
“rear log lights” warning indicator on the
instrument panel via the I-CAN.

To activate the front fog lights, light switch
C622 must be in the “town lights” position
(connection between contacts 2 - 1). There is
now a voltage on connection point 85 of relay
G000 (corner marker, marker and tail lights).
Turning the fog light switch (C727) to position
I (connection between contacts 2 - 6)
activates relay G004. A voltage is now applied
through fuse E009, wire 2141, contacts 30 -
87 to relay G004 and wire 2142. The fog lights
will now go on.
A voltage is also sent to the VIC via wire 2142
and pin C34. VIC controls the DIP and
ensures that the “front log lights” warning
indicator illuminates on the instrument panel.
The VIC receives a voltage signal at pin D35
through wire 2150 when the fog light switch
(C727) is turned to position 2 (connection
between contacts 2 - 3).
The VIC then activates the rear fog light relay
(G005) via pin C40 of the VIC, so that the rear
fog lights come on. The VIC activates the
“rear log lights” warning indicator on the
instrument panel via the I-CAN.
15 C773 is fitted as standard. If the front
fog lights option is selected, switch
C773 and C727 should be swapped
83, 86 Connector 617 if FA type vehicle.
87 This may be a 7-pin or 15-pin
connector. For more information see
sub-diagram 47.
88 Connector 642 if FA type vehicle.

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