суббота, 4 мая 2013 г.

DAF CF65/75/85 Фара - регулировка высоты

Parking and marker lights position
A voltage is applied to connection 2 of switch
C622 (light switch) through fuse E084 and
wire 1101. If a connection is made to switch
C622 (contacts 2 and 85), a voltage is applied
to contact 1 of relay G000 (tail light/side-light
relay) via wire 2100. When this relay is
energised, a connection is made between
points 30 and 87. As a result, a voltage is
applied to connection point A of switch C764
(headlamp-height adjustment potentiometer)
through relay G000 (contacts 30 - 87), wire
2101, fuse E117 and wire 2630. The LED in
the switch will now illuminate.
Dipped beam position
When a connection is made between contacts
2 and 4 on switch C622, a voltage is applied
to connection point 85 of relay G000 through
fuse E084, wire 1101, switch C622, wire 2110,
through D609 (light switch diode). There is
also a voltage on B129 (left headlamp-height
adjustment motor), connection point 4, B130
(right headlamp-height adjustment motor),
connection point 1 and connection point 5 of
C764 (headlamp-height adjustment
potentiometer). Depending on the position of
C764 (headlamp height-adjustment
potentiometer), the motor in the headlamp will
be activated. The headlamp-height
adjustment motor remains activated until there
is an electrical equilibrium. This equilibrium
refers to the voltage difference that exists
between wires 2110 and 4953 of C764, B129
and B130. The voltage difference should be
the same for all three components.

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